June 2013
WetPong at the World Science Festival
Genspace, a community bio lab in New York, made their own paramecia based
biotic game called "WetPong" and showcased it at the World Science Festival.

Spring 2013
First use of Bio-X Games in graduate-level classroom: Eterna leveraged to teach
principles of molecular engineering in Stanford Ph.D. course SBIO/BIOC 241.

March 2013
Biotic games presented. World Life Science forum on at the 8th edition of BIOVISON

November 2012
Eterna featured on Nova.

September 2012
Stanford MediaX funds "A new Generation of Hybrid Tangible Interfaces for STEM
Learning in K12 Environments"

September 2012
Stanford BioX funds
"Massive real time remote bdiology experiments: Technology development and
integration in education"

June 2012
Paulo Blikstein joins Bio-X Games Center as affiliate faculty

Winter 2012
First Biotic Game Design course (BioE123) taught at Stanford.

January 2012
Keck Foundation funds Eterna project.

September 2011
Adrien Treuille joins BioX Games Center as affiliate faculty.

June 2011
First BioX Games Creators Conference at Stanford.

May 2011
Stanford Media X funds "Accelerating knowledge creation for RNA bioengineering
through internet-scale gaming."

Jan 2011
Eterna launched.

Jan 2011
First biotic game paper published, followed by wide media attention in the scientific
and lay press.
Story in Science: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6016/385.4.full
More press: http://www.stanford.edu/group/riedel-kruse/news.html

May 2010
BioX games center founded.